Since Arapaoa Kiwi began in 2021, we have over 3400 volunteer hours logged (as at October 2024).
• The project has 32 Island residents volunteering monthly to monitor and service traps via our Community Trapping programme which began in 2022.
• The local Waikawa Boat Club volunteers regularly monitor traps in Wharehunga.
• Outward Bound with its Mahi Aroha programme is a huge help and resource for the project. The Outward Bound students help with new trap installations and trapline track clearing of scrub and gorse so we can access with ATVs.

Thank you to our grant organisations who annually provide us with funding:
A big thank you to our local sponsors who support the project continually:
Organisations that support our work:
Interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact Arapaoa Kiwi (admin@arapaoa.org.nz)
Arapaoa Kiwi Trust
A project of this size is very complex, and there is a lot of administration overhead and everything takes time. Unfortunately we can’t just go out and purchase a lot of traps and put them around the island.
The Arapaoa Kiwi Trust was formed on the 1st September 2021 to administer the project with three founding trustees and an administrator:
– Registered as a charitable trust Arapaoa Kiwi Trust (CC59615).
– Registered as a registered charity.
– Formed a technical advisory group (TAG) of national experts.
– Drafted and executing an operational plan.

Steve Dawson
Project Leader, Volunteer and Founding Trustee.
Steve is retired and lives in Waikawa.
Steve is a coastguard volunteer and is also Past Commodore of Waikawa Boat Club. Steve owns a classic wooden launch and is passionate about boating and the Marlborough Sounds.

Mark Denize
Founding Trustee.
Retired, has lived in Stingray Bay, East Bay, Arapaoa Island since 2001.
Mark is actively involved in local conservation including Forest regeneration carbon credits, predator trapping and much more.

Ben Wybourne
Founding Trustee.
Lives in Murchison and also in East Bay on Arapaoa Island.

Dale Savage
Trust Administrator.
Dale is passionate about the Marlborough Sounds, its environment and loves to hike and sail.