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What is Kaupapa : (noun) topic, policy, matter for discussion, plan, purpose, scheme, proposal, agenda, subject, programme, theme, issue, initiative.

Arapaoa Kiwi aims to re-introduce kiwi onto Arapaoa Island in the next 5-7 years.
This requires stoats to be eradicated, and prevented from re-establishing for the next 30+ years. By targeting just stoats (and not rats), island wide eradication can be achieved.

Arapaoa Kiwi Trust

A project of this size is very complex, and there is a lot of administration overhead and everything takes time. Unfortunately we can’t just go out and purchase a lot of traps and put them around the island.

The Arapaoa Kiwi Trust was formed on the 1st September 2021 to administer the project with three founding trustees and an administrator:
– Registered as a charitable trust Arapaoa Kiwi Trust (CC59615).
– Registered as a registered charity.
– Formed a technical advisory group (TAG) of national experts.
– Drafted and executing an operational plan.