Instructional Videos
Basic video on how to site and install a stoat trap. Unfortunately it does not go into the more advanced settings.
An excellent video on servicing the DOC200s.
This is an excellent DOC video on setting, servicing and cleaning the DOC200 traps.
All our lids are screwed down with a square head screwdriver so you don’t need the ratchet or spanner. We don’t use the DOC200 setting tool.
There is a good hint on using the screwdriver as a safety.
Latest best practice says to wear gloves when handling traps – so you don’t leave a human scent that may discourage stoats, and protects you from diseases.
General hints and tips when checking the traps.
How to use the safety catch.
Opening the trap.
Adjusting the trap to have a much lighter weight to trigger it.
We wont be doing this on our stoat traps, as we want to target stoats, not small rats.
Why the traps are called DOC200, DOC150, DOC250.
It is important the DOC200s are properly calibrated. Over time there calibration will change.
We calibrate the DOC200 for the stoat weights, which means we get fewer catches of the smaller rats – remember we are targeting stoats. All our traps will be checked for calibration once a year.