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Funding Update

Our thanks to OneFortyOne for funding our bait programme. This funding helps towards our goal of introducing kiwi onto Arapaoa Island in five years.  

Funding Update

A big thank you to Interislander for another year of sponsorship. Thank you to Working for Nature grant to enable us to purchase a further 50 traps.This is fantastic and… Read More »Funding Update

Funding Update

A huge thank you to our recent sponsor Wilderness Guides & The Marlborough Tour Company, its fantastic to have a local tourism business involved in our project.

Funding Update

Lotto NZ - supporting Arapaoa Kiwi

A big thank you to Lottery Environment and Heritage who have granted us full funding of our application to continue this year’s Stage Three of our project. Their continued support… Read More »Funding Update

Funding Update

A very special thank you to our recent sponsor Blenheim New World, its fantastic to have a local business involved in our project. If you are in Blenheim we would… Read More »Funding Update

Funding Update

A big thank you to the Rata Foundation for another year of operational funding

Funding Update

A big thank you to Kenny Barging for their help with transportation.

Funding Update

A big thank you to the Interislander who is now supporting our project

Sponsorship Needed

While we receive funding from various organisations (and are very grateful for their funding), it has to be applied for each year, it is contestable, and is not guaranteed. We… Read More »Sponsorship Needed

Funding Update

A big thank you to The Lions Foundation who continue to support our project. This year our Insurance was covered with funds from their grant.

Funding Update

Rata Foundation - supporting Arapaoa Kiwi

A big thank you to The Rata Foundation who have granted us funding for another year of our administration costs (eg: accounting, reporting, systems, grantapplications and general admin). This grant… Read More »Funding Update

Funding Update

We are pleased to announce we have recently received a funding grant towards our Community Trapping Programme. A big thank you to Pub Charity.